Unique wedding ring photo ideas

Creative Wedding Ring Photos and Shots that grooms, brides and wedding photographers can use for inspiration for wedding day photos. Creative wedding ring photo ideas Creative wedding ring photos (via introwed.ru) Photo: Hoffer photography (hofferphotography.com) Creative wedding ring image – Hoffer photography Photo: Jeff Kolodny Photography (www.jeffkolodnyphotography.com) Weather forecast – Jeff Kolodny Photography Photo: Jeff Kolodny Photography (www.jeffkolodnyphotography.com) “In […]
25 Engagement Rings Under $5,000

Tiffany & Co., Neil Lane, and many more designer engagement rings that all cost less than $5,000 (and quite a few under $2,000!) each. 25 Engagement Rings Under $5,000 Price: $16.95 Tiffany & Co., Neil Lane, and many more designer engagement rings that all cost less than $5,000 (and quite a few under $2,000!) each. Platinum and […]